Tuesday 28 April 2015

Refuge Cove Wilsons Prom.

We had a difficult sail to to Refuge Cove with the wind approx 10 knots SE then turning North East. We sailed on the way out off Western Port, however, it was soon on the nose and we motored to make better headway. We were at the bottom of Wilsons Prom at dawn and had a warm north wind off the prom rocks,  Great looking coast line and lighthouse but the sea was confused at the south end of Wilsons Prom making it quite uncomfortable.

The sun is coming - South off Wilsons Prom

Wilsons Prom Lighthouse

Hastings Marina

Next morning (19th March) the north wind was building quite quickly and we had to get away from the lee shore and headed off to Hastings.  By the time we arrived at Hastings it was blowing 30 knots and tying up to the marina was difficult, especially considering there is  not one cleat on the floating berths! RJR

Great Catch Robbie

Seal Rocks Philip Island
Sunset near Philip Island

Cowes Philip Island and the penguins

We set off from Queensliffe at day break on 18th March and had a 6 hour motor/sail to Cowes and found a  public (Victoria Parks) mooring near the local yacht club. We caught a 'slimy mackerel' on  the way and Isabel made some yummy fish patties for lunch. IT was calm weather and we managed to sneek off to see the penguins, although it was difficult to get  there (and expensive). We had a great Pizza at the restaurant at the end off the esplanade. The penguins were a bit far and few between but managed to follow a few small groups as they waddled to their nests. We had to find our way back on the dinghy in the dark which was quite a challenge.
Dinner in Cowes

Anxiously waiting to see penguins
Beckies drawing of the penguins